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School attendance for children in Beni

 Dolsys enables school visits in Eastern Congo become a school sponsor now!

Frauen im Kongo

Women of Hope

Help for women and children in a battered region

Reconciliation in Rwanda

Reconciliation in Rwanda

An incredible story of forgiveness and reconciliation

Farm for rebel victims

Farm for rebel victims

50 hectares of farmland for rebel victims

What are the targets of Dolsys?

It is the declared aim that the aid is designed in such a way that, once an acute emergency has been resolved, people can work on their own livelihood again. It is important that the people themselves are actively part of the change. Long-term dependency of people in need of the aid organization must be avoided.

It may well happen that structural changes and facilities benefit those in need, but after a certain period of time these should be managed independently by the people concerned, enabling people to do so is a prerequisite for sustainable aid.

How is Dolsys financed?

The work of Dolsys is financed 100% from donations.

There are currently no administrative costs because all employees help on a voluntary basis. If you help, you can be sure that 100% of your donation will benefit people in need. There is also a Dolsys Foundation, which primarily provides the income from the foundation’s capital to the Dolsys association.

Donations can be given to the association or the foundation. Both organizations are recognized by the tax office as eligible and donation receipts can be issued.

Take part!

Join us!
..and get active! Regular or one-off – every donation helps!

Donations to us are of course tax deductible – we always send the required donation confirmation at the beginning of a new year.

• Construction of accommodation on the farm site in Lubumbashi: donations are collected and when a certain limit is reached, construction work on the accommodation can continue.
• Donations for technical equipment: In the two farm projects in Congo and Tanzania, many technical equipment to improve farm work such as water pumps and tank systems, corn mills, expansion of farm work with livestock farming, etc. are urgently needed.
• Support for the running costs of the seaplane: There are significant monthly costs for the island project on Lake Victoria, for example fuel. Every donation helps.
• People in need in Germany: Emergencies arise again and again in Germany, for example due to natural disasters. Or women find themselves in financial difficulties and are therefore forced to terminate an impending pregnancy. Or single mothers can no longer cope with the financial burdens of everyday life and seek help from a mothers’ organization. We are happy to pass on donations and increase the amounts from our foundation income.

VR Bank Lahn-Dill eG
IBAN: DE94 5176 2434 0026 1498 00

We look forward to every contribution!
The maximum amount of one million euros can be claimed for tax purposes for donations to the assets of a foundation, not only when the foundation is founded, but every ten years. Spouses have the option of deducting a total of two million euros. The amount can be deducted from taxable income over a period of ten years. The application can be submitted separately for each assessment period of the ten-year period, but must contain information for which amount and for which assessment period the deduction is being requested. (Source: German Foundation Center December 16, 2024)
Special donation projects:
There is also the option of a general donation deduction amounting to 20 percent of taxable income – this is relevant, for example, if additional funds are to flow to the foundation for specific projects. In addition to the income from the foundation’s assets, donations are often an important financial source, especially for smaller foundations. (Source: German Foundation Center December 16, 2024)
Our special donation projects
• Child sponsorships: Care and school sponsorships for street children in our farm projects in Lubumbashi/Congo and Mwanza/Tanzania, monthly from 10 per child. Larger amounts are divided among an appropriate number of affected children. The cost per child is around 35 per month.

DOLSYS Foundation

Am Kettersberg 8
D-35767 Breitscheid

Phone: +49 2777 812901
Mobile: +49 160 7474814

© Dolsys e.V.